Swara and Vyanjanas -

There are 13  Svaras, 33 Vyanjanas and 4 Aayogavaha in Sanskrit language. Svara is also known as Ach-च् and Vyanjanas are also known as हल्. Every word in Sanskrit language is formed with the joining of Svara and Vyanjana. E.g.=क्+अ

Amongst the 33 Vyanjanas, 25 are Vargiya Vyanjanas that means they are classified into 5 groups with 5 Vyanjanas in each group.The classification of the Vargiya Vyanjanas is on the basis of the similarity of pronounciation.The remaining 8 Vyanjanas are the special Vyanjanas, as they are unique.  

Sparsha Vyanjanas-

The first 25 Vyanjanas-consonants are called Sparsha(touch) because articulating them requires some part of the mouth to touch some other.

The letters whose place of pronounciation is  Kantha-throat, they are called as Kanthya-Guttural कंठ्य/वर्ग  e.g.क्,ख्,ग्,घ्.

The letters whose place of pronounciation is palate are known as Talavya-Palatal तालव्य/वर्गe.g.च्,छ्,ज्,झ्   

The letters whose place of pronounciation is Murdha are known as Murdhnya-Cerebral  मूर्धन्य/वर्गe.g.ट्,ठ्,ड्,ढ्,   

The letters whose place of pronounciation is teeth are known as Dantavya-Dental दंतव्य/वर्गe.g.त्,थ्,द्,ध्,   

The letters whose place of pronounciation is lips  are known as  ओष्ठ्य-Labial /वर्गe.g.प्,फ्,ब्,भ्,म्.

The special Vyanjanas are य्,र्,ल्,व्,श्,ष्,स्,ह्.

Other than these Svaras and Vyanjanas the ‘’- अनुस्वार,: -विसर्ग,जिव्हामूलीय, उपध्मानीय are the  अयोगवाह. 

The commentators of Panini’s Ashtadhyayee says that the throat, the palate, the roof of the mouth, the teeth, the lips and the nose are the six points of articulation. When the tongue contacts with these six points of articulation the consonants or vowels are called guttural-Kanthya, Talavya-Palatal, Murdhnya-Cerebral , Dantavya-Dental, ओष्ठ्य-Labial etc.



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